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Weigh In AAAThe Games of 2010 That We Wish We Never PlayedOh, man, we saw some utter crap hit our consoles this year. Here are the eleven games that made me want to give up gaming forever.By K. Thor Jensen December 17, 2010Follow TweetShareEmail This Story To A FriendRequired fields are marked with *
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More...VIEW AS: ListSlideshowViewing: 1 / 11Next11Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow
This was just a Goddamned mess. The Castlevania franchise has been floundering in recent years - the DS titles have been semi-successful attempts at recapturing the magic of Symphony Of The Night, but full-blown console installments have been horrendous. Lords Of Shadow attempts to capture that epic feeling, and sort of succeeds - it's certainly a big game. It's just not a good one. It's atrociously linear, with none of the mystery and exploration we expect from a Castlevania game, and the new elements are shamelessly ripped from other, better games (like God of War and Shadow Of The Colossus). And don't get me started on the plot, which is doled out in the form of Patrick Stewart reading a book.
See More: Castlevania |Heavy Rain |Call of Duty: Black Ops |Final Fantasy XIV |Prison Break |SplatterhouseLog In to Continue
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I'm done with this siteNo fanboyism involved here. But if these were seriously the worst games this talentless hack played this year, then he's one lucky bastard. Or, you know, he only went for the popular, and therefore easy choices, rather than games that actually deserve to be called ****. Well done, UGO.
Report Comment|ReplyFrancisco Guerra - Wed. Jan. 5, 2011 at 11:08:34 PM
I'm done with this siteNo fanboyism involved here. But if these were seriously the worst games this talentless hack played this year, then he's one lucky bastard. Or, you know, he only went for the popular, and therefore easy choices, rather than games that actually deserve to be called ****. Well done, UGO.
Report Comment|ReplyJohn Makatura - Tue. Jan. 4, 2011 at 01:27:54 PM
I liked some of those!Come on! Castlevania, Black Ops, Heavy Rain and even Sonic 4 were pretty good titles.
Report Comment|ReplyLiam Currie - Sat. Jan. 1, 2011 at 04:55:11 PM
No Reach?Don't get me wrong i loved halo 1-3 then after three it got sloppy and reach just seams like Halo mixed with COD. The story was great but i'll never play the multilayer. It's sad that i play Halo 3 still, and i regret spending 150$ on this game, i feel like a tool.
Report Comment|ReplyChristian Shaffer - Wed. Jan. 5, 2011 at 08:07:52 PM
hmmI don't think it was really necessary to spend $150 on it. I mean, I got it for $35
Report Comment|ReplyLiam Currie - Sat. Jan. 1, 2011 at 04:55:11 PM
No Reach?Don't get me wrong i loved halo 1-3 then after three it got sloppy and reach just seams like Halo mixed with COD. The story was great but i'll never play the multilayer. It's sad that i play Halo 3 still, and i regret spending 150$ on this game, i feel like a tool.
Report Comment|ReplyAngelraytuparan Van Scoik - Sat. Jan. 1, 2011 at 07:39:28 AM
aliensi love aliens vs predator
Report Comment|ReplyDan Jones - Wed. Dec. 29, 2010 at 10:18:14 PM
Well done......you've succeeded in winning internet cool points by picking any game that is popular and listed as the best games of the year and said they're rubbish. Go you!
Report Comment|ReplyPatrick Kay - Thu. Dec. 23, 2010 at 09:44:15 AM
This article reflects the current state of games journalism.This is one of those situations where you have a person writing on a sliding scale and not a honest, truthful, basic scale. He loves past Call of Duty games, so Black Ops is disappointing and he automatically calls it "****". Most game sites can agree that it's not the fifth worst game of the year. Or Heavy Rain as the worst game of the year. Or 7/11 of the games on this list.What happened is that they hired a person with next to zero experience, with the writing and thinking skills of yet another message board dirtbag, who can never speak in anything that's not an extreme. It's happening to nearly all big-name sites like these. Instead of choosing legitimately terrible games deserving of the "award", he just goes on the biggest franchises. Then, of course, you have the part where every game site feels an obligation to dish out the same awards every year. "11 Worst Games of the Year." Yeah? Well what if you didn't play 11 bad, or "worst" games? That's when this list comes to fruition. If Sonic 4 was #2 and Heavy Rain was #1, yeah, you can dislike those games more than some others, but if those are your choices for overall WORST (not Farming Simulator 2011, or Iron Man 2, or Michael Jackson: The Experience) then you've had a pretty damn good year!Instead of going into the nitty-gritty and truly picking out the worst in video gaming, reviewers at UGO (and nearly everywhere else) are simply handed the biggest-budget titles and ordered to compose their list. One game is totally amazing, so that somehow makes this other game a total failure. I'd wager nothing on this list, even bad stuff like Dead or Alive, was composed with any knowledge or love for gaming. K. Thor Jensen is just another late-night 4chan user with nothing better to do, talking mess about nothing in particular and with no rhyme or reason, doing it simply to avoid the realities of life. Some people gave last year's worst game to Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust. Some gave it to Stalin vs. Martians. Is this guy trying to tell me that Heavy Rain is as bad as those shovelware? Actually he'll try to tell me "it's even worse!", but only because he's never actually gone out of the way to find these bad games to actually compose this list. He only picks up the first game he sees in the front of the GameStop. No exploration, no mind expansion. Just talking for the sake of talking. Video games may as well not even be there.
Report Comment|ReplyPatrick Kay - Thu. Dec. 23, 2010 at 09:44:15 AM
This article reflects the current state of games journalism.This is one of those situations where you have a person writing on a sliding scale and not a honest, truthful, basic scale. He loves past Call of Duty games, so Black Ops is disappointing and he automatically calls it "****". Most game sites can agree that it's not the fifth worst game of the year. Or Heavy Rain as the worst game of the year. Or 7/11 of the games on this list.What happened is that they hired a person with next to zero experience, with the writing and thinking skills of yet another message board dirtbag, who can never speak in anything that's not an extreme. It's happening to nearly all big-name sites like these. Instead of choosing legitimately terrible games deserving of the "award", he just goes on the biggest franchises. Then, of course, you have the part where every game site feels an obligation to dish out the same awards every year. "11 Worst Games of the Year." Yeah? Well what if you didn't play 11 bad, or "worst" games? That's when this list comes to fruition. If Sonic 4 was #2 and Heavy Rain was #1, yeah, you can dislike those games more than some others, but if those are your choices for overall WORST (not Farming Simulator 2011, or Iron Man 2, or Michael Jackson: The Experience) then you've had a pretty damn good year!Instead of going into the nitty-gritty and truly picking out the worst in video gaming, reviewers at UGO (and nearly everywhere else) are simply handed the biggest-budget titles and ordered to compose their list. One game is totally amazing, so that somehow makes this other game a total failure. I'd wager nothing on this list, even bad stuff like Dead or Alive, was composed with any knowledge or love for gaming. K. Thor Jensen is just another late-night 4chan user with nothing better to do, talking mess about nothing in particular and with no rhyme or reason, doing it simply to avoid the realities of life. Some people gave last year's worst game to Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust. Some gave it to Stalin vs. Martians. Is this guy trying to tell me that Heavy Rain is as bad as those shovelware? Actually he'll try to tell me "it's even worse!", but only because he's never actually gone out of the way to find these bad games to actually compose this list. He only picks up the first game he sees in the front of the GameStop. No exploration, no mind expansion. Just talking for the sake of talking. Video games may as well not even be there.
Report Comment|ReplyJose Nieto - Tue. Dec. 21, 2010 at 06:18:47 PM
WOWIf you actually meant what you wrote at least don't have back and forths with people on here. Dang seriously I scroll down all the way and I see mostly you commenting on YOUR article. I am not saying I don't agree with you, I kind of do in a way, but just leave it at that.
Report Comment|ReplyDwayne Lowe - Tue. Dec. 21, 2010 at 11:11:49 AM
I Think the Author of this post...Clearly does not like Video games if says that Black op, Lords of shadows and splatterhouse aren't good games. in my Opinion Lords Of Shadow is a Great game. Sure, it's a God of War Rip off but i dont care. God of War ripped off it's Game play from Devil may cry (like leveling up your weapons, Giant bosses...etc)Oh! and thor if you want a Really Bad Castlevania game go and play CastleVania 64 or the two games on the xbox and/or PS2 and tell me those aren't far worse than Lords Of Shadow. you'll thank me (hopefully) for correcting you lolAs for Splatterhouse the Sadistic side of my likes this title cause of the massive amounts of Gore and blood in it.Lastly...Call of Duty black ops is a fun game and again in my opinion better than Medal Of Honor.and why is heavy rain on this list? that two was an awesome game. how dare you say heavy rain is one of the worst games of 2010.
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Tue. Dec. 21, 2010 at 12:32:24 PM
I've played the N64 and PS2 Castlevanias.They were bad too. Just because something else is worse doesn't make a bad game good. And your defense for Splatterhouse is that it's good because of "the massive amounts of Gore and blood in it?" That's just depressing. I'm going to call the cops and have them search your crawlspace.
Report Comment|ReplyDwayne Lowe - Tue. Dec. 21, 2010 at 02:56:03 PM
Sorry...Its a force of habit. Ever since Mortal Kombat i've pretty much become addicted to Gory video games lol. the other reason i like this game that i forgot to point out is because i'm a fan of the original three games. and since this remake has three titles it was the main reason i purchased it.But anyhow...if the Author of this topic doesn't like Lords of Shadow. then that's his opinion. Me, I only love this game cause it looks gorgeous. not as stunning as God of War 3 but this title holds it own. plus it doesn't hurt that Hideo Kojima Himself was involved. and that's enough of a selling point to me!! oh! and Capt. picard (Patrick Stewart) does narration and voices one of the characters.
Report Comment|ReplyRich - Tue. Dec. 21, 2010 at 04:12:22 PM
Lords of Shadow...Terrible game, repetitive enemies, AI that doesn't seem to change up, most of the memorial boss battles lifted from other games.God of War was badass.
Report Comment|ReplyDwayne Lowe - Wed. Dec. 22, 2010 at 09:26:06 PM
God of War ain't exactly original you know.Cause most of that games elements were kinda lifted from Devil may cry and possibly other titles. I do agree with you that God of War is a bad ass game.also in defense of lords of shadow the game is is a bit longer (gameplay wise) then god of war 3. Lords of Shadow is at least 15 to 20 hours long IF you take the time to find all the hidden stuff.
Report Comment|ReplyDwayne Lowe - Tue. Dec. 21, 2010 at 11:00:22 AM
The Author HAS to be kidding me...Seriously. As a long time Castlevania fan myself i thought Lords Of Shadow was a very Good game. sure it has camera issues (what 3D game doesn't). but at least the game is better then previous attempts at making a 3D Castlevania game (has the author of this topic even played Castlevania 64 or the two games on the xbox/ps2)
Report Comment|ReplyRyan Johnson - Tue. Dec. 21, 2010 at 06:28:44 AM
Heavy Rain...?You said don't expect smart people to call bad good. You also said that you are famous.... Sounds to me like you are just full of yourself. No offense, but I don't really see famous people running around talking about how famous they are. They certainly don't make fools of themselves... I liked Heavy Rain. Just my two cents. On another note I do agree with the Ke$ha comment...
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Tue. Dec. 21, 2010 at 12:30:51 PM
Are you kidding?You don't see famous people making fools of themselves? Did you literally just write that? Do you know who Lindsay Lohan is?
Report Comment|ReplyRyan Johnson - Wed. Dec. 22, 2010 at 04:31:00 AM
I like to think...She's not famous... Sadly she is... But why would you want to is what I am saying?
Report Comment|ReplyPhilip Donall - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 03:12:05 PM
good lordI dont know whos doin the reporting but they probably need to find a new job because they know nuthing about games any idiot who watched the vgas (thats video game awards) even a noob to the gaming world knows better
Report Comment|ReplyDargaard Wisserwolf - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 01:16:24 PM
Obvious Troll is ObviousSplatterhouse was made from fans to fans, not trolls like yourself. I can probably say the same for most of the other games as well. Turn off the videogame and go play chess with your grandmother.
Report Comment|ReplyExwai Z - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 07:46:02 PM
Obvious trollObvious troll is kinda obvious... you can see that he shoopped his face to look like the troll face
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Tue. Dec. 21, 2010 at 12:29:33 PM
It's Fred Durst, you drone.That's just silly.
Report Comment|ReplyMilton Cantellay III - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 01:15:35 PM
Everyone needs to take a chill pill (do they still make those?)Seems like most talkbackers need to remember that this is an "opinion" piece. This is Mr K.Thor Jenson's own personal list of 2010 failures; titles that didn't appeal to his taste as a gamer. That is all. You might agree with some of the picks and others you may not. Hell, there might be a game or two on the list that you love. But *****ing about K.Thor Jensonâ?TMs picks because you donâ?TMt 100% approve of all the titles isnâ?TMt going to change his mind just as his list (and comments) wont change yours. Itâ?TMs a fruitless endeavor that provokes no intelligent discussion when both sides of the argument are unwilling to respect each other's opinion. I believe that video games are an art form, and much of a gameâ?TMs beauty relies just as much on your own baggage as it does on the gameâ?TMs technical, theatrical, and visual prowess (or lack there of). You may like/love Heavy Rain or Black Ops, but rest assured that there are MANY others who meh/hate them. Is one right and one wrong? No. Just different tastes. Though I think we can all agree that Naughty Bear is a turd ;)
Report Comment|ReplyJoshua - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 12:07:33 PM
What?COD, but no MOH. What a joke. This guy trashes good games to get attention. Good job internet troll.
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 12:24:02 PM
MOH would have probably been #12Either that or Splatterhouse. I put BLOPS on over MOH because BLOPS had more egregious problems in showing that Treyarch has no idea what makes a shooter work in the 2K10. MOH was just aggressively mediocre.
Report Comment|ReplyJoshua - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 12:35:20 PM
I don't agree...I think the Treyarch games are the better games in the CID series. COD World at war is the best CID game so far. Modern Warfare 2 had so many glitches and bugs the online was ruined. Yeah, BLOPS is not perfect, but it's way better than the buggy mess MWF2 was.
Report Comment|ReplyAndrew Littler - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 11:35:24 PM
Well it is a good thing, thenthat W@W and MWF2 were released this year, right?
Report Comment|ReplyEd Hamper - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 08:02:41 AM
People are actually defending Heavy Rain?!They must have only played it once, just like that hack David Cage instructed them. The game does a really good job of hiding its flaws when you play it once and only once. Then you play it again and see that you really don't get a change of scenery despite doing things differently. Oh, and how about its railroaded introduction for a game that's supposed to be lauded for its amount of choices? There's something to be said about David Cage when he details the intro scene as an emphasis on your personal failures (it was something along those lines, at least), despite the fact that there's literally no other possible way for that scene to end. WELP I GUESS I'M A BAD VIDEO GAME FATHER BECAUSE SOME TALENTLESS FRENCH HACK SAID SO.Not to mention that one guy disputing your Sonic 4 choice by telling you to "accept change." That's just ridiculously stupid. The game is an obvious attempt to harken back to the originals; why would they do that, but change the core game mechanics? I'm not even a Sonic fan and I know that losing momentum if you let go of the D-Pad is screwed up.This is a great list. Not sure how I feel about FF14 being on it since last I checked it was only the beta, but it's not like developers don't treat betas like exclusive demos nowadays, so it probably won't change much.
Report Comment|ReplyEd Hamper - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 08:03:39 AM
uh, whatI formatted this comment to have nice little paragraph breaks so it wouldn't be a wall of text. What the ****?
Report Comment|ReplySteve Gee - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 05:36:10 AM
I'm still getting...Lords of Shadow. I played the demo and I feel in love. I LIKE linear games: I like knowing when I've seen and done everything in a videogame so I can honestly say "I finished it!" Running around empty environments looking for hearts and stuff isn't my idea of fun.
Report Comment|ReplyMatthew Haycock - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 02:33:06 AM
Some unsurprising entriesIt was no surprsie for me to see some titles on this list. I played Naughty Bear once myself and the whole thing felt horrid, poor mechanics and a sloppy execution, one of the few times I couldnt bare to play a 'full' game after only 10 minutes.Final Fantasy XIV has just been plauged from the start, it does seem like it was released before it was even finished.Dead or Alive Paradise. I wont deny it, I played DOAX2 on the 360, but that was when they seemed to mess with the formula and make it worse then the original, (Which was ok at best) considering this was essentially a port with added extras (and plenty of content removed due to disc space) it was just a poor attempt.Sonic 4 just didnt feel that good at all. I had to play Sonic 3 and Knucles shortly after to get the feeling of a GOOD sonic game again.
Report Comment|ReplyGeorge - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 01:40:16 AM
A pointless list from a pointless author"Nothing you do has any effects on the rest of the game" for Heavy Rain. There are multiple endings to the game and based on what you said your argument doesn't make sense. if your going to bash a game and make a list, can you elaborate?This article is your opinion. Everyone gets that. But as a journalist you should have the integrity to defend your article in a professional fashion. Instead, most of your responses are dismissive, vulgar and childish for a man apparently married. You make this entire website look bad and I will never be returning to it. You should be fired by making a poor representation.And for future reference, when someone says you didn't get your sexy time with the reporter, be a little light hearted. It could have been said as just a little jab, you took it personally. If this job gets to you that much, don't do it.Now begin your trolling of my comment to continue your self assuring ******* ways.
Report Comment|ReplyMark Alters - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 08:33:19 PM
You are a gamer?Like, really? Because it sounds like you just hate pretty much all games in general. Except you don't hate them in a funny way, like Yahtzee does. Also, being insulting to your readers who express different opinions than yours probably doesn't help your cause.On a side note, did you play / do you have an opinion on WoW: Cataclysm?
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 11:19:30 PM
I gave up on WoW a few years backJust didn't have the time or energy for it. Have you played it? How do you like it?And there were tons of games I liked this year. That's just not this list.
Report Comment|ReplyHenry Brian - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 06:41:53 PM
This list is spot on......except for sonic 4. I don't see why you think it is bad because of momentum, just because this is different to the original games. I played and loved the original games, but sometimes you need to accept change. Especially confusing is that you put a video in your article that undermines your own statement.Otherwise, it is nice to see someone who has the balls to give blops some justice.
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 07:22:51 PM
Watch the videoThen play Sonic Colors. Sonic Colors gets it right and it's a joy to play. Sonic 4 gets it wrong and it's a chore. I love a lot of things about Sonic 4 (although the episodic release thing sucks balls), but it gets one of the key fun factors of Sonic totally off and it ruins the whole exercise.
Report Comment|ReplyJames Dudley - Sun. Dec. 26, 2010 at 05:00:33 AM
This field is required.Sonic 4 has a lot of strong areas - the level design is as good as I've seen in recent 2D fare and understands Sonic classic is about exploring and moving captivatingly rather than just quickly. Whoever wrote the ****** physics engine undermined that and the bosses are hell though. Rocket Knight was more disappointing in the sense I don't usually associate Rocket Knight with failure.
Report Comment|ReplyAdam Floyd - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 06:02:15 PM
Is it April Fools Day or something?The writer keeps trying to defend his article (with such good comebacks as "those games are disasters"). Brilliant. Sounds like someone that made a ****** game is unleashing his rage because it didn't get noticed compared to Call of Duty selling a billion copies.NERD RAGE
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 06:25:57 PM
Oh yes that is exactly itAre you seriously trying to use that as an argument? CODBLOPS sucks because it railroads you into idiotic situations, has tons of bugs, and the multiplayer is totally unbalanced and bad. It doesn't suck because I made a game. Hint: I didn't make a game.
Report Comment|ReplyJames Prize - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 01:48:53 AM
CoD is MultiplayerI started in on CoD very late and never was the biggest fan but did buy black ops. It's admittedly stupid but CoD isn't about the single player, all they really market the game for is the multiplayer. The single player was very railroad, suffered quite a few glitches and had a rather lackluster story. The MP itself is just as lazy as all the other CoD MP game experiences. But for being just as cookie cutter as the others, its just as good. As for you claiming its unbalanced, thats hard to believe considering that the stats presented to you on the guns are outright lies and in reality the guns are nearly all the same as one another. Treyarch is just as good as Infinity Ward when it comes to rereleasing the same exact game with all new textures and maps.
Report Comment|ReplySaku Grönlund - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 02:29:52 AM
Play COD4And you'll understand everything.
Report Comment|ReplyJames Prize - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 01:48:53 AM
CoD is MultiplayerI started in on CoD very late and never was the biggest fan but did buy black ops. It's admittedly stupid but CoD isn't about the single player, all they really market the game for is the multiplayer. The single player was very railroad, suffered quite a few glitches and had a rather lackluster story. The MP itself is just as lazy as all the other CoD MP game experiences. But for being just as cookie cutter as the others, its just as good. As for you claiming its unbalanced, thats hard to believe considering that the stats presented to you on the guns are outright lies and in reality the guns are nearly all the same as one another. Treyarch is just as good as Infinity Ward when it comes to rereleasing the same exact game with all new textures and maps.
Report Comment|ReplyKyle Marrotte - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 05:35:17 PM
Judging by the rest of your articles...I have a sneaking suspicion that the only reason you hated Heavy Rain is because you didn't get your sexy time with the reporter.
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 06:26:36 PM
I actually have a human wife.I am sorry you have to beat off to polygons.
Report Comment|ReplyRyan Fife - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 08:52:17 PM
Chill, man.K.Thor, you should relax a little. I doubt Kyle was trying to make any kind of assumptions about your marital status and really, that's no way to treat another human being is it? We're all gamers here, homie!
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 11:20:45 PM
Oh really?How would you parse "the only reason you hated Heavy Rain is because you didn't get your sexy time with the reporter." may I ask? Assuming that I disliked a game because I didn't get a horribly unarousing sex scene is specious at best.
Report Comment|ReplyExwai Z - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 12:49:49 PM
the author...Stop trying to be a non-comformist *******. Is this your war of trying to be famous or something?
Report Comment|ReplyExwai Z - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 12:53:06 PM
continued...I don't even care about your article. Its the way you reply to the users who posted comments. Are you trying to copy other better games editors style?
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 04:01:26 PM
What are you even talking about?That wasn't even English. My "war of trying to be famous?"
Report Comment|ReplyExwai Z - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 08:09:33 PM
WayI mean may* man...
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 11:53:53 PM
I'm already famous.I was famous long before I wrote this article. I'm just expressing considered opinions on video games. I don't understand why people are acting like I just punched them in the grandmother.
Report Comment|ReplyExwai Z - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 01:57:13 AM
mehI hate to say this man but you're kinda biting seanbaby's style
Report Comment|ReplyExwai Z - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 01:58:14 AM
Don't get me wrongI don't hate your article, just the way you reply to comments
Report Comment|ReplyIzzy Simpson - Sat. Dec. 18, 2010 at 06:51:47 PM
A ThoughtJust like the majority of Heavy Rain mockers, you consider the opening car crash scene to be the definition of the whole game--simply running around pressing X. If a scene where you play a grieving father who fails to rescue his son is the only (overused) criticism that you have for this game, then you obviously have little or no regard for drama or even emotional conflict. You control Ethan in this scene because the game wants to put you in the shoes of a father who failed to save a life. That failure, that scene connects you closer to the character and introduces you to his personal mission to save his other son. In games, you always have unlimited chances to rescue someone or save a life. But in this game, even after your failure, life goes on--the same with real life. Movies, tv shows, and other media do this all the time. This game was not made up of full on cutscenes. There WERE cutscenes but you can still play through them as with the rest of the game. Your actions determine how this story will progress. If you played past the car crash scene, you would have seen this. This game did have its flaws, so I'm not saying that it's perfect. But as someone who cares about not only the story and gameplay of video games, I also consider the characters and their struggles. It's not hard to see the relationship that this game and others are trying to connect with the player. I may be thinking too much into this article, but I honestly cannot see how this game is considered the full on worse of 2010.
Report Comment|ReplyIzzy Simpson - Sat. Dec. 18, 2010 at 07:00:05 PM
Oops!Sorry for the double post, guys! Also wow, long paragraph is long.
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 12:29:41 AM
I played the whole game.It was a hokey, badly-constructed mess that was like a combination of Saw and a bad Law & Order episode. If you are willing to settle for that, good for you, but don't expect smart people to call bad good.
Report Comment|ReplyIzzy Simpson - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 06:26:55 PM
C:Haters gonna hate c:
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 07:21:01 PM
And, just to be fairThere were things that Heavy Rain did very well. The graphics were great, although the overall art direction had problems. The user interface was spectacular and it's by far the best-looking QTE-driven game ever. It just totally fell apart if you actually thought about it.
Report Comment|ReplyIzzy Simpson - Tue. Dec. 21, 2010 at 11:59:10 PM
No, I Get Yai know what you mean. Like I said, I wasn't saying that it was the best game or anything. And there were parts that definitely could have been pulled of a lot better. Maybe in the future, we'll have that game that does everything right :)
Report Comment|ReplyIzzy Simpson - Sat. Dec. 18, 2010 at 06:51:47 PM
A ThoughtJust like the majority of Heavy Rain mockers, you consider the opening car crash scene to be the definition of the whole game--simply running around pressing X. If a scene where you play a grieving father who fails to rescue his son is the only (overused) criticism that you have for this game, then you obviously have little or no regard for drama or even emotional conflict. You control Ethan in this scene because the game wants to put you in the shoes of a father who failed to save a life. That failure, that scene connects you closer to the character and introduces you to his personal mission to save his other son. In games, you always have unlimited chances to rescue someone or save a life. But in this game, even after your failure, life goes on--the same with real life. Movies, tv shows, and other media do this all the time. This game was not made up of full on cutscenes. There WERE cutscenes but you can still play through them as with the rest of the game. Your actions determine how this story will progress. If you played past the car crash scene, you would have seen this. This game did have its flaws, so I'm not saying that it's perfect. But as someone who cares about not only the story and gameplay of video games, I also consider the characters and their struggles. It's not hard to see the relationship that this game and others are trying to connect with the player. I may be thinking too much into this article, but I honestly cannot see how this game is considered the full on worse of 2010.
Report Comment|ReplyJack Shrout - Sat. Dec. 18, 2010 at 04:40:24 PM
WTF???I am all for opinions, but you're seriously putting Lords of Shadow, Black Ops, Sonic 4, and worst of all, HEAVY RAIN on the list? Lords of Shadow, Black Ops, and Sonic 4 are good, and not only is Heavy Rain great, it's easily one of the best games of 2010.
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 12:31:50 AM
Just because they're expensive games doesn't make them good.Those games are disasters.
Report Comment|ReplyVincent Fitzgerald - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 01:57:45 AM
Just Because Your a Professional Journalist Doesn't Make Your Articles Good.This article is a disaster.
Report Comment|ReplyBenjamin Clark - Sat. Dec. 18, 2010 at 09:28:40 AM
Agree with most of the listI agree with most of your list, but personally enjoyed CLOS, Heavy Rain, and seeing as how Black Ops is the highest selling video game ever....you might not want to have it on your list.
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 12:34:30 AM
Just because something sells a lot doesn't mean it's goodLots of people bought Ke$ha albums this year too.
Report Comment|ReplyJean-Karlo Rivera - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 10:52:24 PM
Just because a person writes for a website...Doesn't mean they're a reputable writer or their opinion is more valid than others. Any troll can make that argument...
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 11:55:22 PM
Nobody said my opinion is "more valid"But I am willing to back it up with more than "it sold a lot of copies." Sadly, my detractors don't seem to be able to. And, of course, anybody is free to enjoy whatever they want. But nobody's saying Khloe & Kourtney Do Miami is one of the best TV shows of the year.
Report Comment|ReplySteven Froats - Fri. Dec. 17, 2010 at 07:03:46 PM
Holy **** ThomasDo you have, like, a rage boner or something?
Report Comment|ReplyJimmy Nilsen - Fri. Dec. 17, 2010 at 05:36:47 PM
You suck more then Castlevania Lords Of shadowHave you ever played GOW 3, just as linear but less options, though is cherished as greatest game.The only mistake C:LOS used was using the title Castlevania. To many morons can't accept change, even how great it felt.I own both as PS3 and Xbox 360, and have bought probably 40 games this year alone, and i think CLOS was one of the greatest. It is also the only way Xbox 360 users can get something similar to GOW3
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 12:26:50 AM
God of War 3 was pretty bad too.I'm sorry you like to put garbage in your mouth,
Report Comment|ReplyShawn Villeneuve - Tue. Dec. 21, 2010 at 10:01:36 AM
u moronare u joking lol u are a ****** gamer and a even shittyer writer u should just stop gaming
Report Comment|ReplyThomas Oultram - Fri. Dec. 17, 2010 at 01:10:45 PM
Last one!!If you don't consider Heavy Rain a game then why are you putting it in a 11 Worst games of the year article?Fail philosophy, i'm not trying to troll or anything but these posts i have posted are because i would like to know your decisions behind these picks and not because im trying to cause an argument. Other than these posts I agree with the rest of the picks!
Report Comment|ReplyJeanne Moore - Mon. Dec. 20, 2010 at 06:46:49 PM
Heavy Rain NonsenseTechnically, it is an interactive movie.
Report Comment|ReplyThomas Oultram - Fri. Dec. 17, 2010 at 01:06:30 PM
And another one...The fact that you put Black Ops on here means that you obviously can't differentiate between DISAPPOINTING games and WORST games. Are you saying that Black Ops was SO bad that it's one of the 11 worst games released this year?I personally don't like Black Ops much either but you will receive a lot of abuse if people don't understand that you don't mean it's the worst game but one of the most disappointing.
Report Comment|ReplyThomas Oultram - Fri. Dec. 17, 2010 at 01:03:49 PM
Also,Why is there a picture of Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII when you have Final Fantasy XIV as one of your worst games? I, again, haven't played this BUT I highly doubt that her character is in the MMO. Misleading much?
Report Comment|ReplyThomas Oultram - Fri. Dec. 17, 2010 at 01:00:12 PM
Before i read on.Having never played Castlevania i would say that the Metacritic score of 85 would disprove your theory of it sucking, perhaps the editor of this article does not like it, that does not however mean it is bad.
Report Comment|ReplyK.Thor Jensen - Sun. Dec. 19, 2010 at 12:25:34 AM
No, it's badEmbarrassingly bad.
Report Comment|ReplySam Hillyer - Wed. Dec. 22, 2010 at 12:23:16 AM
Fragment sentenceit looks like you took half of these from the gamesradar worst games of 2010 so far list. also replying to every single comment on your post is very unproffesional.
Report Comment|ReplySam Hillyer - Wed. Dec. 22, 2010 at 12:23:16 AM
Fragment sentenceit looks like you took half of these from the gamesradar worst games of 2010 so far list. also replying to every single comment on your post is very unproffesional.
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